Firstly, we would like to introduce about ourselves who are staff here Travel Buddies and Tours company in Mongolia. We have great passion to develop tourism in Mongolia and according to the our slogan we offer fresh and unique tours to tourist all over the world.One of the freshest and unique tour is here nomads and wild experience tour. There is no best way to explore Mongolia staying with real nomadic family and learning a bit from their lifestyle.Most of tour company offer you stay with nomadic family learn them but the biggest difference between us, we afford tourists staying in ger,doing all works/ farming, milking and moving/ as a real nomad,living in the wild, no tourists, no bathroom, no shop close to the nature and livestocks as much as possible during the tour.Female tourists will learn cooking mongolian traditional meal/khuushuur, buuz and tsuivan/ , dressing mongolian deel, milking, producing diary products,cooking pastry,collecting dried duns, bringing water from river and play a big role as a nomad housewife in a family.Male tourists will study riding horse as a horseman, catching horses, bringing livestocks, securing horses /staying in the wild with horses at the night/ learning how to prepare racing horses, doing archer, firing, playing mongolian traditional games and building ger.We offer this tour with very interesting activities for a week in Khentii province where Genggis Khan was born. Khentii province is so beautiful place and one of proctected area of Mongolia. Following the river,there are so many nomadic families, we cooperate some of them and there is your area to have wild and nomads experience.You are independent to survive as a nomad use everything what they have surrounding,you will create and do what you eat and where you stay.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Nomads and wild experience tour
Firstly, we would like to introduce about ourselves who are staff here Travel Buddies and Tours company in Mongolia. We have great passion to develop tourism in Mongolia and according to the our slogan we offer fresh and unique tours to tourist all over the world.One of the freshest and unique tour is here nomads and wild experience tour. There is no best way to explore Mongolia staying with real nomadic family and learning a bit from their lifestyle.Most of tour company offer you stay with nomadic family learn them but the biggest difference between us, we afford tourists staying in ger,doing all works/ farming, milking and moving/ as a real nomad,living in the wild, no tourists, no bathroom, no shop close to the nature and livestocks as much as possible during the tour.Female tourists will learn cooking mongolian traditional meal/khuushuur, buuz and tsuivan/ , dressing mongolian deel, milking, producing diary products,cooking pastry,collecting dried duns, bringing water from river and play a big role as a nomad housewife in a family.Male tourists will study riding horse as a horseman, catching horses, bringing livestocks, securing horses /staying in the wild with horses at the night/ learning how to prepare racing horses, doing archer, firing, playing mongolian traditional games and building ger.We offer this tour with very interesting activities for a week in Khentii province where Genggis Khan was born. Khentii province is so beautiful place and one of proctected area of Mongolia. Following the river,there are so many nomadic families, we cooperate some of them and there is your area to have wild and nomads experience.You are independent to survive as a nomad use everything what they have surrounding,you will create and do what you eat and where you stay.